Current News

More illegal tobacco in 2024

The amount of illegal tobacco seized in the Netherlands in 2024 has already reached the 2023 total with four months of the year left to go, reports...

Tobacco revenue up 40%

Malawi recorded a 40 per cent increase in tobacco sales in the 2024 selling season, despite a drought caused by El Nino, Reuters reported.
The Malawi Tobacco...

Menthol ban still on the agenda

The Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) top tobacco official said that the Biden administration is still pursuing its proposal to ban menthol flavoured...


Cigarette importers should pay for litter

The government in Malta has proposed that cigarette importers should pay for the disposal of the tobacco litter they produce, reports malta today.

Under the government’s draft legal notice, cigarette companies will be held...

Exhibitor news for InterTabac

The world's leading trade fair for the tobacco industry, InterTabac, together with InterSupply, will once again attract trade visitors and exhibitors from all...

New KPMG Report

The results of the 2023 KPMG annual study on illicit cigarette consumption, commissioned by Philip Morris Products SA, revealed that the illicit market in the...

Single-use vapes banned

Cabinet has approved legislation brought forward by Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, which will see disposable vapes banned and flavours restricted in...


Nicotine pouch shortage

New regulations that mean convenience stores are no longer allowed to sell nicotine pouches has left users struggling to find the product, reports the Western Standard.

In August, the federal government banned flavours and...

Tobacco planting underway

The planting of irrigated tobacco has begun in Zimbabwe with farmers expecting a positive season and good harvest ahead, reports The Herald.

1 September is...

Positive interim results of cannabis study

Around a year after the start of the Zurich cannabis study, those responsible have drawn a positive interim balance, reports sda.
Initial results show a high...

Youth e-cig use drops

Half a million fewer U.S. youth reported current use of e-cigarettes in 2024 compared to 2023, according to new data from the National Youth Tobacco Survey...

Jura bans disposables

The Swiss canton of Jura is the first to ban the sale of disposable e-cigarettes, reports WRS.
The parliament passed the legislation with a large majority ...

Growing vaping segment at InterTabac

This year's twin shows InterTabac and InterSupply will be featuring not just the classic segment, but also the vaping market, with over 180 exhibitors from...

BAT to host CORESTA Congress 2024

BAT will host the upcoming Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco (CORESTA) Congress 2024, from 13 - 17 October at the Edinburgh...

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