Current News

Study: 1 million non-smokers now vape

A study published in The Lancet Public Health journal shows that one million people in England now vape despite never having been regular smokers, reports The...

PMI pulls IQOS from shelves

Philip Morris (PMI) has been forced to pull its IQOS devices from shop shelves in New Zealand as it is classified as a vape that requires removable batteries...

Smoking reduction target may be missed

Although the smoking rate among adults has declined over the past few decades, Thailand is likely to miss its target of reducing smoking by 30 per cent by...


New Swiss tobacco laws

From 1 October, stricter sales, advertising and declaration regulations for tobacco products and e-cigarettes will apply in Switzerland, reports Watson.
These include a uniform nationwide ban on sales to young people under the...

New vaping reforms now in place

From today, new vaping reforms have come into force to protect Australian youths from the harms of vaping and nicotine dependence, according to a press release...


PMI to invest EUR 100 mln

Philip Morris International (PMI) plans to invest EUR 100 million in its operations in Serbia, the country's president Aleksandar Vucic said, reports SeeNews.
Vucic announced this in an Instagram post on 23 September after a...

Cannabis rules to be eased

The Czech government has proposed to ease the regulations on the use and growing of cannabis at home, reports AFP.  

The Czech justice ministry proposed to...

FDA seeks CMPs against 11 retailers

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is seeking civil money penalties (CMP) against eleven retailers for the sale of unauthorized tobacco products, reports...

Floor price for tobacco products lowered

The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) has lowered the floor prices for cigarettes and tobacco products in the Philippines, citing lower production costs...

New bill to regulate cannabis

Thailand has proposed a new bill to regulate its cannabis industry and restrict marijuana use to primarily health and medical purposes, reports the Bangkok...

Outdoor cigarette ban recommended

The European Commission wants member states to ban cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco products from outdoor areas, reports Euractiv. 

The EU says...

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